Add Storage

Currently, it's only supports S3 Object Storage.

To add a new storage, you simply need to edit the file /etc/backup/config/storages.yml.

the storages.yml should be look like this

  # mystorage is the name you can replace it whatever you want
    bucket: mystoragebucket
    access_key_id: mystorageaccesskey
    secret_access_key: mystoragesecretkey
    region: mystorageregion
    endpoint: https://mystorage.endpoint
    primary: yes
  # mystorage2 is the name you can replace it whatever you want
    bucket: mystorage2bucket
    access_key_id: mystorage2access
    secret_access_key: mystorage2secretkey
    region: mystorage2region
    endpoint: https://mystorage2.endpoint
    primary: no
  # if you had another storage you can put it in here, and so on
# This file is created with Tool for create seamless bqckup for your website

If you have three storage options, you can add them to the configuration file

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